Aster Podcasting Presents
Aster Podcasting Presents is our platform to host your stories; we train new actors and writers and stretch their skills by helping them to produce audio fiction pieces of their own.
8 months ago

Jubilation's Sweethearts (SPOOKY SUMMER 2023)

Trigger warnings: Discussion of family death, childhood trauma, body swapping, coerced/forced medical procedures, ringing sounds, child endangerment, violence, death.

After a traumatic event left Ashley unable to connect with others, her father takes measures to help her recover. But behind the bright colors and circus animals in the town of Jubilee lurks a darker secret.

Check out Strong Branch Productions (strongbranchpro) on Twitter and Tumblr!

Team Art by Claire A. Dinnebier Written by Claire A. Dinnebier, Grace Griego, and Alex Kingsley Sound design by Philomena Sherwood Grace Griego as Ashley Alex Kingsley as Adelaide Kevin Paculan as The Father J.R. Steele as The Child Psychologist Bishop Sinclair as First Jubilation Employee Ari Delyn as Second Jubilation Employee and Ad Announcer